$100 Million Dollars…

…hidden for the taking.

Who would find it first?

It was shaping up to be a complex case. When David Beas, a designer and partner at a local firm, turns up strangled on the beach, the list of suspects is staggering. Would his business partner kill him or was it someone who didn’t like his lifestyle?

A jilted ex-lover was also on the table.

Before he could dig too deep into the case, Luca’s life got complicated when a friend of a friend told him a secret. It was the sort of thing he wished he didn’t know. It was a moral dilemma that wouldn’t hurt anyone, could solve his financial problems, and make life for him and his wife easier.

There was just one problem.

He would have to live with his decision.

Dan Petrosini recently spent some time with The Big Thrill discussing his latest thriller, MURDER, MONEY, AND MAYHEM.

Can you pinpoint a moment or incident that sparked the idea for this book?
In conversation with a friend, he related a story heard from a DEA agent friend of his. I immediately started to consider the possibilities, especially since I was looking for a way to conclude the Luca Series.

Dan Petrosini

A novel is such a major undertaking; there’s the writing of it, of course, then you’re spending months and months revising, polishing, and then promoting it. How did you know this was the book you wanted to spend the next couple of years on?
I’ve spent around ten years writing the Luca Mystery Series. I knew Frank Luca well, and enjoyed penning stories around him.

Were there any particular books, movies, or songs that were knocking around in your head while you were writing this one?
Not particularly but I play the tenor saxophone in a number of jazz bands and when the ideas hit a wall, I pick up my horn and it helps to clear the mind.

When you first created your protagonist for this book, did you see an empty space in crime lit that you wanted to fill? What can you share about the inspiration for that character?
I wanted Luca to be real. No heroics or otherworldly powers. Just a man rooted in fundamentals with insecurities, fear who enjoys simple pleasures.

In addition to a great read, what do you hope readers will take away from this story?
To consider all sides of greed and wealth.

What can you share about what you’re working on next?
I’ve started a new series which revolves around revenge.


Dan is a USA Today and Amazon best-selling author who wrote his first story at the age of ten and enjoys telling a story or joke.

Dan gets his story ideas by exploring the question; What if? In almost every situation he finds himself in, Dan explores what if this or that happened? What if this person died or did something unusual or illegal? Dan’s non-stop mind spin provides him with plenty of material to weave into interesting stories.

A fan of books and films that have twists and are difficult to predict, Dan crafts his stories to prevent readers from guessing correctly. He writes every day, forcing the words out when necessary and has written over twenty-five novels to date.

It’s not a matter of wanting to write, Dan simply has to.

Dan passionately believes people can realize their dreams if they focus and act, and he encourages just that.

His favorite saying is – “The price of discipline is always less than the cost of regret”

Dan reminds people to get the negativity out of their lives. He believes it is contagious and advises people to steer clear of negative people. He knows having a true, positive mind set makes it feel like life is rigged in your favor. When he gets off base, he tells himself, ‘You can’t have a good day with a bad attitude.’

Married with two daughters and a needy Maltese, Dan lives in Southwest Florida. A New York native, Dan has taught at local colleges, writes novels, and plays tenor saxophone in several jazz bands. He also drinks way too much wine and never, ever takes himself too seriously.

He puts out a twice-a-month newsletter featuring articles, his writing and special deals and steals.

To learn more about the author and his work, please visit his website.