August 31 – September 6: “Does nonfiction writing invigorate your fiction?
Opinion essays, feature articles, reviews…does other nonfiction writing invigorate your fiction? This week ITW Members Bourne Morris, Jean Heller and J. H. Bográn will explore the correlation between writing fiction and nonfiction.
Most of Jean Heller’s career was as an investigative and projects reporter and editor in New York City, Washington, D.C. and St. Petersburg Florida. Her career as a novelist began in the 1990s with the publication of the thrillers, Maximum Impact and Handyman by St. Martin’s Press. Then life intervened and postponed her new book, The Someday File, to publication in late 2014. Jean has won the Worth Bingham Prize, the Polk Award, and is an eight-time Pulitzer Prize nominee.
Bourne Morris, writes mysteries about campus violence. Her first, The Red Queen’s Run was published by Henery Press last year. The second is due out this December. After a successful NewYork advertising career, Bourne joined the University of Nevada in Reno as a full professor. She spent 26 years at the Reynolds School of Journalism teaching strategic communications and media ethics and served as Chair of the Faculty Senate. She retired in 2009 to write fiction.
J. H. Bográn, born and raised in Honduras, is the son of a journalist. He ironically prefers to write fiction rather than fact. José’s genre of choice is thrillers, but he likes to throw in a twist of romance into the mix. His works include novels and short stories in both English and Spanish. He’s a member of the Short Fiction Writers Guild, Crime Writer’s Association and the International Thriller Writers. He lives in Honduras with his family and a “lucky” dog.
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