All In, All Out by Steve MyersViolent action crime novel centered on three brothers involved in robbing drug dealers. One brother, Dean, is a hard case with a past of robbing and killing. The robbery is set up by a crooked lawyer and a set of sexy mirror twins.

The perfect setup: rip off a drug deal for a million. Dean Powers knows that he and his brothers can take the money and run, but first he must kill and kill and keep killing. When will the killing and the running end?

Chapters are under sections named for the stages of a Texas Hold ’em poker game. The short novel is fast and violent.

ALL IN, ALL OUT is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Damnation Books.


I have been writing for some time. My first book was “The Enchanted Sticks” (first by Coward & McCann, then Penguin). Since then several stories & poems published. Most recently, “Garden of the Following Moon” (a thriller set in 1909) and “All In, All Out.” Four more novels are to be released in 2015.

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