The Cydonia Objective by David Sakmyster
In this pulse-pounding, mind-expanding conclusion to the Morpheus Initiative trilogy, psychic Caleb Crowe must locate the ancient Spear of Destiny – the one item with sufficient power to destroy the Emerald Tablet – before those who stole it can unlock its power and use it eradicate all life on the planet. It’s a quest that will lead Caleb and his team through history, even viewing events beyond the Earth, where ancient enemies started a war that has yet to end.
THE CYDONIA OBJECTIVE is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
“David Sakmyster combines expertly researched historical mysteries with compelling modern characters, intriguing plot twists, and breathless pacing. His archeologist heroes seek not just legendary secrets, but the secrets within themselves.” — William Dietrich, author of The Dakota Cipher and Blood of the Reich.
“…Indiana Jones meets the X-Files — an archaeologist adventurer with psychic powers of remote viewing who can see the past, ancient treasures, historical mysteries, action and adventure that crosses the world, and a damned good story.” — Kevin J. Anderson, #1 international bestselling author of The Edge of the World.
David Sakmyster is an award-winning author and screenwriter who dwells in and occasionally ventures from upstate NY. His published stories and novels cross a range of genres and include: the horrifying Crescent Lake, the historical epic, Silver and Gold, and The Morpheus Initiative – a series about psychic archaeologists (including The Pharos Objective, The Mongol Objective and The Cydonia Objective). He’s co-writing a thrilling series about Near Death Experiences called The Lazarus Initiative, and coming this fall is a smart supernatural thriller entitled, Blindspots. His screenplay, Nightwatchers, has been optioned, and he’s currently writing another screenplay to begin filming in early 2013.
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