The Odd Ghosts by Maynard Sims
A small collection of strange stories by Maynard Sims in celebration of the forthcoming publication of FLAME AND OTHER ENIGMATIC TALES (Sarob Press).
This collection contains stories that may be about the odd ghost or two. There are weird tales, strange stories, and stories of unease
THE ODD GHOSTS is available exclusively from Amazon.
“…fortunately for the genre, the talents of Sims and Maynard are more dazzling and available than ever.” ~SFSite, Lisa DuMond. USA
“Definitively establishes Maynard & Sims as true masters of dark fiction.” ~Mario Guslandi, Alien Online UK
“Maynard & Sims have mastered not only the traditional ghost story, but have grown into accomplished authors of the modern horror story.” ~John Pelan, USA writer/editor/publisher USA.
Four supernatural novels, Shelter, Demon Eyes, and the two Department 18 books, Black Cathedral and Night Souls, have been published mass market by Leisure in USA. Currently they have completed two standalone supernatural novels, one of which Nightmare City, is out from Samhain in 2012, and the third Department 18 novel, The Eighth Witch which Samhain have purchased. They are working on the fourth Department 18 book, and a screenplay based on Department 18..
They have completed two thrillers, one of which, Mere Mortals, they have published driect to Kindle, and are currently working on a third book. They have also completed two collections of supernatural stories, one of which, The Odd Ghosts, they have published direct to Kindle, and the other, Flame, is out from Sarob in 2012.
Numerous stories have been published in a variety of anthologies and magazines, including the Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, the anthology, Strange Tales, which won the World Fantasy Award 2004 and the Del Rey anthology, The Children Of Cthulhu
Collections include, Shadows At Midnight, 1979 and 1999 (revised and enlarged), Echoes Of Darkness, 2000, Incantations, 2002, two retrospective collections of their stories, essays and interviews, The Secret Geography Of Nightmare and Selling Dark Miracles, both 2002, one introduced by Hugh Lamb and the other by Stephen Jones, and Falling Into Heaven in 2004.
Novellas, Moths, The Hidden Language Of Demons, The Seminar, and Double Act, have been published in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2007 respectively.
They worked as editors on the first seven volumes of Darkness Rising, and the two annual Darkness Rising anthologies. They co-edited and published F20 with The British Fantasy Society. As editors/publishers they ran Enigmatic Press in the UK, which produced Enigmatic Tales, and its sister titles. They wrote essays for the Mark Chadbourn website At The World’s End.
Personal contact can be made at or
3 Cutlers Close, St Michaels Mead, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 4FW, England
And they can also be found at MySpace. On Facebook, separately under Len Maynard and Michael Sims. Twitter on @micksims. You can also visit their message board.
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