Hell and High Water by Anne Petty and P. V. LeForge
Shrimpboat captain Carla Conway thought her life was enough of a mess before she found the body of her old nanny tossed like a rag doll into a corner of a long-abandoned church. With the help of her crusty first mate Comer—and the interventions of a sheriff she’d rather avoid—she investigates the old woman’s death. What she finds takes her deep into the myths and legends of the Florida swamps—and into the mystery of her own origin.
HELL AND HIGH WATER is available on the Kindle and via Smashwords.
“I’m a little over halfway through Hell & High Water. I’m really enjoying it. I love the way you capture that part of Florida that I’ve always called home. Love the people of Tate’s Hammock, too, and I adore the back story you build. It’s a wonderfully written book.” –Jeff Newberry, Associate Professor of English at Abraham Baldwin College, Consulting Editor at Pegasus Literary Magazine
Anne Petty is author of three horror/dark-fantasy novels, three books of literary criticism, some award-winning dark fantasy short stories, and many essays on writing, mythology, and J.R.R. Tolkien. Anne is an active member of the Horror Writers Association, International Thriller Writers, and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Anne’s sites: www.annepetty.com and annepetty.blogspot.com.
P. V. LeForge lives on a horse farm in north Florida with his wife Sara Warner. In addition to writing, he does farm chores, plays music, and shoots target archery. Check out his other books, both in print and in e-book form from Smashwords and Amazon. Also see his website at www.blackbayfarm.com/pleforge/
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