The War Cloud by Thomas Greanias
She was the last link in America’s chain of command.
Now she’s the world’s last hope.
The War Cloud, the new cyber-thriller by New York Times bestselling novelist Thomas Greanias, the No. 1 name in eBook adventure.
Amazon and Barnes & Noble report surprise attacks in their eStores from The War Cloud, the brand-new original eBook superthriller by New York Times bestselling novelist Thomas Greanias.
“This is a surprise 150-kiloton detonation for the holidays by the world’s No. 1 name in eBook adventure, and we are at the publishing equivalent of Defcon One,” noted one prominent digital publishing observer from a rival eStore still trying to land distribution. “That it contains two digital warheads in the form of two formats specifically built for the Kindle and Nook stores is only going to make its mushroom cloud bigger as the weeks go by. We’re actually worried there is a third warhead out there ready to go off.”
The launch of The War Cloud mimics the storyline of the eBook itself: Deborah Sachs, the secretary of education, 16th in line for the presidency, becomes the pick when a nuclear attack wipes out Washington, the president and the next 15 guys in line. She needs the codes for the nuclear arsenal to save the world from the ultimate cyberweapon: an enemy program that has penetrated the computer Cloud and is using America’s most lethal defense systems against itself to launch global Armageddon.
Author Thomas Greanias said the launch of The War Cloud eBook had long been in the works to celebrate the 10th anniversary of @lantis Books, the original digital imprint that launched his first No. 1 Amazon eBook, No. 1 iTunes audiobook and New York Times bestseller Raising Atlantis.
The War Cloud eBook features an excerpt from The 34th Degree, the next installment in Greanias’s Promised War trilogy, coming Summer 2011 from Atria Books. It also contains a secret “launch code” that will unlock hidden content on the web to be revealed on Christmas Day.
“Readers of The War Cloud will know where to find the launch codes to unlock the website,” Greanias said, noting that new features will added-or revealed-well into 2011.
“The reality is that with all the new tablet formats exploding this year, and more coming next year, it’s an exciting time to start delivering on the promises of the eBook format we first saw in the beginning.”
More details will be revealed in a TV interview with “Sometimes Daily Show” host Amanda Congdon next week. Stay tuned.
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Thomas Greanias is the No. 1 name in eBook adventure, starting with his breakout eBook Raising Atlantis, and the New York Times bestselling author The Atlantis Prophecy and The Atlantis Revelation. He is also the author of acclaimed novel The Promised War, the first in a time-traveling, mind-bending, heart-stopping trilogy that continues Summer 2011 with The 34th Degree from Atria Books.
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